You need practical exercises, my friend, to understand chess, so let’s get on with it and solve a few chess problems below. To see the solution you should put your mouse over the diagram.
To help you to learn chess I got here a little mixture of chess positions. They are sometimes a bit hard. So what, just a challenge for you to develop your chess mind!
1) White moves | 2) Black moves |
3) Black moves | 4) White moves |
5) White moves | 6) Black moves |
7) Black moves | 8) Black moves |
9) Black moves | 10) White moves |
1) 1.NxN+ gxN 2.Qh7+#
2) 1..Qf5
3) 1…Rd8!! 2.QxQ RxR+ 3.Kf2 bxQ and Black wins
4) 1.NxB RxN? 2.Rh6+# If Black does not recapture White wins a piece.
5) 1.Ba4+ Kd5 2.Bb3+ eternal check and draw
6) 1…RxR 2.RxR Qg5+ 3.Kf1 QxR+ and wins
7) 1….Qd8+ and wins the rook
8) 1…Rd1+ 2.Bf1 Qh1+#
9) 1…Rb1+ (if now 2.BxR QxQ+ checkmate because the knight is pinned by the bishop.)2.Kf2 RxR and wins. The Knight can’t recapture as it is pinned.
10)1.Kh1!!QxB Stalemate!!
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How Chess Grandmaster Igor Smirnov developed his chess teaching system.