95% of Chess Players don’t progress despite Years of Play!
You can’t get better at chess by just playing the game because you make the same fundamental mistakes game after game for years to come! You need someone to tell you what you do wrong as you keep violating chess principles move after move …
Get UNIQUE High Quality Chess Courses for a big Discount from Chess Grandmaster Igor Smirnov!
Opening, middlegame, or endgame – whatever phase or aspect of the Royal Game you want to master, his high quality chess courses will give you that DRAMATIC boost you are looking for!
Players profile taken from International Chess Federation (FIDE)
1. Supercharge your chess journey! You can enjoy an exclusive discount on chess video courses, carefully crafted for chess enthusiasts of all levels.
2. Super Pack: The “GM Igor Smirnov’s Super Pack”, a treasure trove of all GM Smirnov’s courses available at a fair price.
It’s the golden opportunity to enhance your skills and master the game of chess.
Get the best selling Chess Video Courses for a big Discount!
Get the following Chess Courses PACKAGES and SAVE!
Popular Chess Video Courses from GM Smirnov!
Flagship Course
We’ve opened enrolment to one of our flagship courses “7 Keys to Victory”. This course will help chess players improve their game and their thinking process during the game. All the ideas are explained with simple examples to understand.
In an ideal world, knowing THOUSANDS of chess concepts would allow to master the game completely. In the real world, an excess of information that a chess player would barely use will overload them, stress them and make them waste time ― a critical thing to consider when playing against an opponent.
We did all the hard work to find the most fundamental chess rules that will help players find the right moves in their games. And to make it even better, those rules are just limited to only 7, which will make their study more efficient.
One can find A LOT of different chess rules and instructions on how to play chess, however there are ONLY 7 MAIN THINGS which a player should do while playing a game of chess. In this comprehensive chess course, GM Igor Smirnov explains these rules one by one.
I also recommend the chess course Unlocking Grandmaster Mind
I should mention that the quality of this chess course is very high, as with all other products.
If you are a beginner at chess, start with this chess video course below!

Reviews about “The Grandmaster’s Secrets”
Get It Now – Click here!
I suggest that you first study the chess video courses “GM’s Secrets” or “Positional Understanding”. It is better to have a solid knowledge of chess and, after that, study the chess opening courses.
Other Chess Video Courses from Grandmaster Smirnov
Chess Openings
8 Aggressive Chess Openings
Master the Grunfeld Defense as Black
Chess Middlegame
We’ve launched a new course TOP 25 MIDDLEGAME CONCEPTS – a topic that many of the chess students asked for in our recent survey!
This course serves as a guide for average players so that they can enrich themselves with the most essential middlegame concepts that occur in the middlegame.
From Opening to Middlegame
Winning the Middlegame
Middlegame Expert Package
Mastering the Middlegame in Kasparov’s Style
Chess Endgame
Practical Endgames
Rook Endgames
Other Chess Courses
Strong Player Secrets
Thought Process
Exchange pieces like a PRO
Attack and Win
Crushing the King – An Attacking Chess Course
Converting Your Advantage into a Full Point
Chess Players
Play like Fischer
Magnus Carlsen – The Journey of a World Champion
Defending Champion
Get GM Igor Smirnov’s Super Pack! – Click here!

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