Chess Players often think about chess variations when away from the game. Peg Chess Sets are ideal to study chess while traveling. I found some nice pegged chess sets for you below.
7″ Pegged Wood Travel Chess Set
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Pegged travel chess set inside wood rectangle box. The Chess Pieces can remain in playing position.
The Case is well built and the Pieces sit very close together. Unused Pieces can be set aside and you can close the game at any time and continue later.
10″ Folding Pegged Golden Rosewood Chess Set in Leather Case
The pegged pieces can be felt and touched while keeping the chess position in tact and this makes it suitable for blind players or if you train blindfold chess. Pieces are golden rosewood and boxwood and the chessboard matches beautifully. Nice to play with.
If you buy this then get some nice chess books as well, then you can reply the games in the books with this chess set while traveling.
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How Chess Grandmaster Igor Smirnov developed his chess teaching system.