Study the Queens Gambit Declined (QGD) as this is fundamental chess knowledge. This chess opening is well known throughout chess history and has been played many times at high level chess events.
The Queens Gambit Declined is classified as a closed opening characterized by the moves:
1. d4 d5
2. c4 e6
Black does not capture the c4-pawn but builds up slowly a solid position, keeps control of the vital center square e4 and develops first the kingside and castles. This opening is highly respected as a solid defense for Black against the move d4.
The drawback is that the bishop on c8 is locked in. Black should try to bring this bishop back to live, exchange it for another piece to get rid of it. If he does not succeed to solve this problem he will sit on a dead bishop in the endgame.
The main variations of the Queens Gambit declined are:
Tarrasch Defense 3.Sb1-c3 c7-c5
Improved Tarrasch Defense 3.Sb1-c3 Sg8-f6 4.Sg1-f3 c7-c5
Cambridge Springs Defense 3.Sb1-c3 Sg8-f6 4.Lc1-g5 Sb8-d7 5.e2-e3 c7-c6 6.Sg1-f3 Dd8-a5
Exchange Variation 3. Sb1-c3 Sg8-f6 4. c4xd5 e6xd5
Bf4-System 3. Sb1-c3 Sg8-f6 4. Sg1-f3 Lf8-e7 5. Lc1-f4
Orthodox Defense 3. Sb1-c3 Sg8-f6 4. Lc1-g5 Lf8-e7 5. e2-e3 0-0 6. Sg1-f3 Sb8-d7
Tartakower Defense 3. Sb1-c3 Sg8-f6 4. Lc1-g5 Lf8-e7 5. e2-e3 0-0 6. Sg1-f3 h7-h6 7. Lg5-h4 b7-b6
Lasker Defense 3. Sb1-c3 Sg8-f6 4. Lc1-g5 Lf8-e7 5. e2-e3 0-0 6. Sg1-f3 h7-h6 7. Lg5-h4 Sf6-e4
Westphalia-Variation 3. Sb1-c3 Sg8-f6 4. Lc1-g5 Sb8-d7 5. Sg1-f3 Lf8-b4
Vienna Variation 3. Sb1-c3 Sg8-f6 4. Sg1-f3 d5xc4 5. e2-e4 Lf8-b4 6. Lc1-g5 c7-c5
Ragosin-Variante 3. Sb1-c3 Sg8-f6 4. Sg1-f3 Lf8-b4
Semi-Slav Defense 3. Sb1-c3 c7-c6 The main variation is here the Meran Variation, which is considered as a good opening for Black.
Moskow Variation 3. Sg1-f3 Sg8-f6 4. Lc1-g5 h7-h6
Hey, don’t worry about all the names, who cares? Just make a good move.
When you are a beginner play the Cambridge Springs Defense for a start, as this chess opening is pretty straightforward and easy to understand.
1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Sb1-c3 Sg8-f6 4.Lc1-g5 Sb8-d7 5.e2-e3 c7-c6 6.Sg1-f3 Dd8-a5
Go to Cambridge Springs Defense.
Study this well known trap first.
Get some ideas from GM Garry Kasparov himself
When you replay games now, study the games where the white bishop gets locked in, because White plays e3 and does n o t bring the bishop out to g5, but leaves it on c1. Study the way how Black will set himself up in those games.
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