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Chess Openings for White at Club Level

What are the appropriate White openings at the club level, say around fide rating between 1500- 1800 ?

Hi Shadreck,

there are some chess openings for White that are popular and fairly easy to learn for club players, but these openings are almost never played at top level chess events due to their dubious nature.

I listed them below.

Colle System
Read more about the Colle System at Wikipedia
Replay Games about the Colle System

London System
Read more about the London System at Wikipedia
Replay Games about the London System

Stonewall Attack
Read more about the Stonewall Attack at Wikipedia
Replay Games about the Stonewall Attack

Bird’s Opening (Dutch Attack)
Read more about the Bird’s Opening at Wikipedia

Trompowsky Attack
Read more about the Trompowsky Attack at Wikipedia

Sokolsky Opening (also known as the Orangutan or Polish)
Read more about the Sokolsky Opening at Wikipedia
Replay Games of the Sokolsky Opening

Larsen’s Opening
Read more about the Larsen Opening at Wikipedia
Replay Games of the Larsen Attack

King’s Gambit
Read more about the Kings Gambit at Wikipedia
Replay games of the Kings Gambit

Grob’s Attack
Read more about the Grob’s Attack at Wikipedia

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