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World Chess Championship 2014 – page 2

world chess championship

Game 7 – Draw

Magnus Carlsen

White (Carlsen) moves

world chess championship 2014
Last move was 28…Ne5

“It is a surprisingly awkward position for Anand, despite the limited material. The odd imprecision and he could be in trouble.” – GM Nigel Short

“This allows Magnus with strong play with kingside passed pawns” – GM Susan Polgar

“Black’s problem is that rook is rather passive. White wants to push his pawn to f5 and/or attack the f6-pawn.” – GM Nigel Short

Black (Anand) moves

world chess championship 2014

In this position above Anand (Black) sacrificed his bishop for two pawns (31…Bxg?) and the computer graph (below) jumped up in favor for Carlsen.

world chess championship 2014

The game ended in a draw as Carlsen (White) could not hold on to the small advantage he had and it finally evapurated in the endgame.

Game 8 – Draw

world chess championship 2014world chess championship 2014

After a well known opening line the queens were traded off early and the game reached an equal endgame which ended in a draw.

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Game 9 – Draw

Anand (Black) defended with the Berlin Defense again.

world chess championship 2014
After repetition of moves Carlsen and Anand were satisfied with a draw. Carlsen is still leading the match 2:1, draws not counted.
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Game 10 – Draw

world chess championship 2014

Carlsen (Black) defended with the Greenfield Defence and Anand (White) selected the Russian System (5.Qb3 – see position above) which is a good way to go for a win with White. However, the queens were traded off early and the game ended in a draw. See below

world chess championship 2014

Game 11 – Carlsen wins
and remains World Chess Champion 6,5-4,5

Anand (Black) defended with the Berlin Defence again.

After the dubious exchange sacrifice 27…Rb4? his position went downhill and he lost. (See below)

White moves
world chess championship 2014
after 27…Rb4?

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Go to – World Chess Championship 2013
Go to – World Chess Championship 2012